Health & Safety

Health and Safety is the single most important aspect to our company, our clients, our staff their customers and contractors and their visitors including their working areas that we attend.

Our staff are all fully aware of their need to fulfil their own requirements to ensure safe working practices and to make sure they are responsible for their actions.

OTS engage with Health and Safety Professionals to ensure best practice and controls against risks are adhered, to ensure that Health & Safety remains a key focus throughout the company.

Health & Safety is the responsibility of all members of our team and therefore as a client you’ll receive the following service:

  • Enquiry to tender for works
  • Site attendance and survey to provide pricing and H&S assessment to complete a full of Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) will be submitted upon acceptance.
  • OTS staff are always briefed and made aware of RAMS and site rules
  • OTS ensure site induction requirements are adhered to.
  • OTS always ensure a senior team member oversees operation of work safely
  • Works are completed safely and efficiently

Health & Safety isn’t a subject that simply gets put to one side – it's there to help us provide you with a professional and safe working practice.